Xenophobia literally means “fear of strangers”. However, this term is used most often in relation to assaults on members of other ethnic groups – immigrants and refugees that found shelter in Western Europe. Xenophobia is associated with nationalism, it means hostility to other cultures. Xenophobia is emphasized in over-caution, fear, resentment and hatred for other nations.
The greatest manifestations of xenophobia and the resulting conflicts take place in territories which gather many ethnic groups. The reluctance is mainly due to ingrained stereotypes. Denying the existence of other nationalities is associated with the false belief that “others” want to take something from us: it can be a workplace or culture and tradition.
As the history showed, fanatical xenophobia can lead to dramatic effects – the extermination, genocide and resettlement, or segregation of minority groups. Xenophobia was one of the pillars of fascism. Manifestations of xenophobia can be seen, unfortunately, every day: the desecration of places of memory, discrimination, excessive suspiciousness, physical or verbal assault.
Therefore, it is extremely important to increase public awareness, build identity and diversity in countries with a high rate of xenophobia and the fight for tolerance of other nationalities.